Can you imagine a life without the need to wear clothes? Neither can we!
The clothes we make, buy and wear use valuable resource and energy and create waste, no matter what they are made from. At this moment in time, we cannot see a sustainable future that is built on traditional business and growth models that encourage buying more than we need. Simply put, we cannot consume our way to a more sustainable future.
Our mission is simple...
Make the best quality product you will love to wear, wear often and keep for a long time. Wear your product to net zero!
Promote a 'wear more, buy less' consumer behaviour.
Make the best quality product through responsible and ethical manufacturing supply chains, supporting other small businesses and respecting the people who make our products and support our business.
Make the best quality product and make only what is necessary. Our collections are small, limited edition runs, so what you see is what you get.
Make products that can be worn more and washed less, through our 'wear, air, repeat' campaign
Use less packaging made from recycled content and curb side recyclable.